IF you want to visit the bar!

---->Send Email by wednesday at the latest!  <--- 

 REGISTRATION REQUIRED /  And you need to be invited from someone!

Bar closed 31/1   1/2  &   7/2  8/2

Next time: 

New Wednesday  12

Friday 14 | Saturday 15 |  February - 2025

Wednesday 16-20 

Trying new day!

Just come for a Coffee/Tea/Drink  (BT)

Some rock music

NO food NO DJ NO nothing! 😆

Friday 17-22

17 Bar opens 

20 DJ playing - Vinyl

22 The bar closes

Saturday 18-00

18 Bar opens

21 - DJ-Playing (1 hour)

22 - (Maybe, a Music Quiz)

23 - Some DJ music

00 The bar closes

Food ?  (Friday 17.30-19:30 / Saturday 18.30-20:30)

4 bits (8BT)  Fried chicken & 2 sauce, (homemade)  & french fries

A beer (or other soft drink) is included! NOTE: drinks not included!

(Without Beer 5BT)

IF you want to visit the bar!

---->Send Email by wednesday at the latest!  <--- 

THE BAR IS OPEN , only and if there is registered visitors!

BT ? How do i pay ?   read more in Bar info

Pleas visit: https://www.youtube.com/@kentsbar2022